Monday, February 23, 2015

Gardening with our Buddies

Here we are weeding the school garden with our buddies. The whole school got to sample our freshly harvested carrots. Mrs Pennington has promised a rhubarb crumble soon. Are there any good bakers out there who might want to give her a hand?

Meet our big Pukeko Buddies

At Sacred Heart Petone one of the most important things at school is to make sure everyone feels happy and safe. One of the many things we do is to match up every junior student with a senior 'buddy'. We sit with them in class and every alternate Friday we will garden, read or write with them. Friendships are really important and it's great to know we each have a special big buddy looking out for us.
Shardae and Kiara-Leigh

Samantha and Rachael
 Brayden, Brianna and Tylah
Sini and Tom

Zach and Josh

Eva, Junior and Troy

PJ, Soni and Zion

 Mason and Tala
Abbey H and Angelina

Friday, February 20, 2015

Ash Wednesday Mass and another lovely Assembly

We are so lucky to have the wonderful Father Albano as one of our parish priests. Before he took Ash Wednesday Mass he showed the Tuis the Holy Water and gave us a special blessing.

Our Mass was lovely and we enjoyed celebrating with our whole school and parish community.

On Friday it was Angelina, Samantha and Zach's turn to shine. They all got certificates for being such fantastic learners and terrific Tuis. Zach and Angelina got another certificate from Miss Heatley for the wonderful respect they have been showing a school. Way to go Tuis!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Certificates at Assembly

It was a great Assembly for Tui Class the other week, we were nearly all up there getting Welcome Certificates!
Well done Tala, Soni, Sini, Shardae, Eva and Brayden for going up in front of everyone to receive your certificate from Mrs Tristram.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tui Class have their first full week at school

It was a full 5 day week at school, and with the hot weather we were a very tired group of 5 year olds by the end of the day. We had lots of new experiences as well as continuing to learn our routines. We are making friends with our class mates and we've met our very own big Pukeko buddy. Next week check out the photos of us and our big friends.

Welcome to Tui Class Sini and Soni, it's great to have you here.

On Friday we have Discovery Time. This is a child lead learning time within a range of activities across the Junior School. The oral language and social learning are fantastic to watch.
Here's Zach hard at work on his marvelous creation.

Sini and Eva watch how to make a tessellation. 

 Soni made a rocket out of his picture shapes. Check it out on our wall next time you are visiting Tui.
Brayden gets to know some of the people from kereru class. Play dough is a hit with everyone.

Alternate Friday afternoons we have buddy time, we read,draw, write together and this week we gardened together, helping the rest of the school turn the school jungle back into a garden again.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Our first week of the term.

Wow what a busy start to the term we had in Tui. 6 new students started and I am so proud of the learning they have already achieved in the few days they have been here.

At our first school prayer some of us and our whanau were introduced to the school.
 Here's Tala being introduced by his Dad and supported by his cousins.
 Shardae had her Mum and Aunty with her.
 Brayden had his mum and Isaiah
 Eva was feeling a bit shy so it was great to have Mum, Dad and her cousins up there to support her.
We are talking about shapes in class, look at clever Eva.

Soni has great fun making a picture from his shapes.

Zach sorted out lots of shapes into great big towers.

We all made some bright green playdough and had fun exploring 2D and #d shapes.

We've been reading the book Bubbles at reading time. It was fantastic fun blowing our own bubbles outside. Tala concentrates on his.

 Angelina blew heaps of bubbles.
 The wind got some of Shardaes.
 Sini loved her pink bubble container.
It was great fun.